Featured Courses
The Polyvagal Certificate Course: Safety, Connection & the Human Experience
Embodying Safety: A Certificate for Integrating Yoga, Qigong
& Polyvagal Theory
The Polyvagal Certificate Course: Safety, Connection, and the Human Experience
Start Date:
January 16, 2025
ENROLLMENT IS NOW CLOSED FOR COHORT 6, beginning January 15, 2025. Next cohort dates will be announced soon!
Our flagship Certificate Course offers an in-depth exploration of the Polyvagal Theory and its application to our lives. Led by Dr. Stephen Porges and 9 leading experts in the fields of neuroscience, healthcare, and therapeutics, this course explores Polyvagal Theory like no other.
certificate level, social issues, addiction, trauma, counseling, theory, live/hybrid
Course Tags
Play Zone Pro: A Polyvagal-Informed Certificate for Wellness & Performance Coaches
Start Date:
February 7, 2025
Begin self-paced content on January 30; live online sessions begin February 6!
Regain control of your physiology to optimize the human experience, and lead your clients to do the same. Led by Michael Allison and Dr. Stephen Porges, this certificate course teaches wellness and performance coaches of all kinds how an understanding of the nervous system can empower us on the stage, in the boardroom, and on the court.
certificate level, body, coaching, live/hybrid
Course Tags
Embodying Safety: A Certificate for Integrating Yoga, Qigong & Polyvagal Theory
Start Date:
March 14, 2025
This certificate course integrates the wisdom healing traditions of Yoga and Qigong with Polyvagal Theory. Learn how to use your nervous system and vital energy to promote good health and achieve your highest human potential, sharing it with clients and loved ones. You can take in the material at your own pace within each self-paced module beginning March 6, and join Dr. Barili for 6 live sessions beginning March 13.
yoga, body, certificate level, self-care, live/hybrid
Course Tags
Revolutionizing Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model
Start Date:
Start Anytime
Trauma and addiction responses are increasing at an epidemic rate, and we desperately need a fresh approach. The Felt Sense Polyvagal Model shifts the paradigm from a pathologizing one to a strength-based one. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community.
social issues, addiction, trauma, applications course, self-paced, counseling
Course Tags
Pre- and Post-Birth Trauma for Adoptive Parents
Start Date:
Start Anytime
This self-paced course integrates information on pre-birth trauma, including epigenetics, as well as the sensitive period of attachment post-birth. Tenets of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and Polyvagal Theory are taught by Norman Thibault, PhD and Stephen Porges, PhD within a framework for helping adoptive parents. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community. Next discussion date to be announced.
free, applications course, children, trauma, self-paced
Course Tags
A Polyvagal Approach for Educators Exploring Discipline Protocols
Start Date:
Start Anytime
In this 10-hour course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how our nervous systems drive our contagious emotions and perspectives and explore a new lens of discipline that gets ahead of negative behaviors.
applications course, education, children, self-paced
Course Tags
Replacing Stockholm Syndrome with a New Framework of Appeasement
Start Date:
Start Anytime
The Stockholm Syndrome is an antiquated media-driven term used to explain why people do not leave hostage situations. This discussion between Dr. Porges, Dr. Bailey and Jaycee Dugard, who was kidnapped in 1991 and held captive until 2009, offers an alternative perspective to the term 'Stockholm Syndrome.’
trauma, theory, free, counseling, self-paced
Course Tags
The Art & Science of Polyvagal Theory
Start Date:
Start Anytime
Dive deeper into your self-paced study of Polyvagal Theory, and learn from the experts. This unique course brings together lectures, in-depth discussion, and case study analysis. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community.
theory, counseling, self-paced
Course Tags
PVT and ACT: A Dialog with Dr. Stephen W. Porges and Dr. Steven C. Hayes
Start Date:
Start Anytime
For the first time, Dr. Stephen Porges, developer of Polyvagal Theory (PVT), and Dr. Steven C. Hayes, co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) sit down for a dialogue focusing on the intersection of their communities and schools of thought. Recorded in May 2021.
theory, counseling, coaching, self-paced, free
Course Tags
Polyvagal Theory for Somatic Experiencing Practitioners
Start Date:
Start Anytime
In this unique course, Deb Dana, LCSW, Dr. Stephen Porges and Dr. Peter Levine introduce and discuss key theories and practices of Polyvagal Theory for Somatic Experiencing (SE) Practitioners and students who have completed their first year of SE training. Course includes self-paced lectures, case study analysis, and in-depth discussions. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community.
body, trauma, yoga, counseling, coaching, self-paced
Course Tags
A Paradigm Shift in Understanding Children’s Behavior: Conversations with Drs. Delahooke and Porges
Start Date:
Start Anytime
This discussion between Drs. Stephen Porges and Mona Delahooke presents a new, physiologically based view of child behaviors. For parents, teachers and school administrators engaged with both neurologically typical and atypical children, this self-paced series deconstructs behaviors through the lens of Polyvagal Theory. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community.
children, education, self-paced, applications course
Course Tags
Polyvagal Theory: Principles & Practice for Individuals
Start Date:
Start Anytime
Taught by Deb Dana, LCSW, this self-paced, introductory course is very known for delivering a solid understanding of Polyvagal Theory for professional therapists, social workers, educators, and others in the helping professions. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community.
theory, self-paced, self-care, counseling
Course Tags
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga: simple practices to enhance wellbeing
Start Date:
Start Anytime
Through the lens of Polyvagal Theory, you will learn all about how the vagus nerve is a bi-directional information highway between mind and body—and, how you can fine-tune your health with breath, movement, and awareness practices that become the building blocks of a life-changing daily practice. Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Porges explore the application of polyvagal principles to yoga practice. This course includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community (next date TBD).
applications course, yoga, body, self-care, self-paced
Course Tags
Overview of Polyvagal Theory for the Newly Acquainted
Start Date:
Start Anytime
If you’re new to Polyvagal Theory and want to get a better understanding of it in a way that is time-efficient and reliable, this is a good place to start. This self-paced course is taught by Stephen Porges and Deb Dana. Includes an invitation to a live discussion with Stephen Porges, PhD or Deb Dana, LCSW exclusively for members of our PVI learning community.
trauma, theory, self-paced, counseling, self-care
Course Tags
Introduction to Equine Assisted Therapy using Polyvagal Principles
Start Date:
Start Anytime
This self-paced course is designed as an introduction to equine therapeutic interactions using polyvagal principles. The course gives participants the opportunity to expand their knowledge of Polyvagal Theory utilizing the unique perspective and co-regulation horses offer us. Taught by Polyvagal Equine Institute's Dr. Rebecca Bailey, Jaycee Dugard, and Margie McDonald.
trauma, applications course, counseling, self-paced
Course Tags
The Play Zone: A Neurophysiological Approach to Our Highest Performance
Start Date:
Start Anytime
The Play Zone is a paradigm shift in performance psychology that masters the mental game of performance through the body. In this self-paced course, Michael Allison leads you to discovering how your bodily state impacts your performance potential. Includes a discussion between Michael and Dr. Stephen Porges. Applicable to all disciplines, including individuals in coaching, leadership, business, performance, athletics, and education.
body, trauma, applications course, coaching, self-care, workplace, self-paced
Course Tags
Polyvagal-Informed Focusing Teacher Training
Start Date:
Ask Us!
Learn how to teach Polyvagal-Informed Focusing, based on Jan Winhall’s Felt Sense Polyvagal Model. Specific tools and strategies will be shared so that you will feel confident in teaching focusing and the basics of the FSPM. Add this skill to your professional toolbox and become a Certified FSPM Facilitator! Part of a series of trainings with Jan Winhall.
addiction, trauma, counseling, live/hybrid
Course Tags
Felt Sense Polyvagal Model: A Certificate for Treating Trauma and Addiction
Start Date:
Ask Us!
Trauma and addiction responses are increasing at an epidemic rate, and we desperately need a fresh approach. This Certificate Program is based on Jan Winhall’s book 'Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model.' The Model shifts the paradigm from a pathologizing one to a strength-based one. This is a hybrid course that is includes both self-paced content and live-online sessions.
social issues, addiction, certificate level, trauma, counseling, live/hybrid
Course Tags
Embodied Equity: A Polyvagal-Informed Certificate for Educators & Helping Professionals
Start Date:
Ask Us!
Taught by Dr. Niki Elliott, this 25-hour certificate course explores the damaging impact of implicit bias and identity-threat on student well-being and academic performance. Through a polyvagal-informed approach utilizing mindfulness, breathwork, and somatic awareness practices, educators and helping professionals will learn what it truly means to embody social justice and create healing learning environments for students of all ages.
certificate level, social issues, education, body, live/hybrid, counseling, coaching, workplace, children
Course Tags
Supervision Group for FSPM: Applying the Model in Your Practice
Start Date:
Ask Us!
This consultation course is for those who have completed Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model, or its equivalent, and are eager to continue the stimulating journey of learning about and applying the model.
addiction, trauma, body, social issues, counseling, live/hybrid
Course Tags