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Many Uses

Join our
Polyvagal Institute Online
Community Space.

Welcome! We're so glad you are here. Our aim is to create a community of safety, connection, and belonging where members share stories, experiences, and ideas related to Polyvagal Theory. What you'll find is moderated content, resources, groups, and connection to like-minded individuals applying Polyvagal Theory in work and life. Good news: it's free!

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The Polyvagal Institute Online Community Space
Gives Real-Time Connection

Connect, build, and be part of a growing community of individuals and organizations enthusiastic about bringing Polyvagal Theory into their daily lives.

Free Resources

Access a library of topics, including Polyvagal related Articles & Publications, Interviews, ANS Regulating Resources, and more. 

Moderated Content

Polyvagal Informed content brought to you by our PVI team of hosts, moderators, and content area experts.

Create Connection

Connect and build a supportive community by sharing comments on posts, cheers, group chats, messaging, and more

Build Polyvagal -Informed Culture

Connect your teams and employees in a private group through our Polyvagal Informed Certificate Program for Organizations, featuring your private organizational feed.

Next Steps

  1. Join by clicking the private invitation button below.

  2. Download the Mighty Network App on your phone.

  3. Go to the top right circle (where your picture will go), and click on Account.

  4. Go to Personal Settings

  5. Click on Text me the App

Hosted on the Mighty Network Platform


When you join the PVI Online Community Space, you are also giving consent for your email address to be added to our mailing list. PVI does not share or sell your information. 


PVI Community Member Guidelines

  • We are cultivating cues of safety, so please be supportive.

  • Encourage and support your colleagues - Remember criticism, cynicism, advice, or judgment may be signs of threat.

  • Be courteous and assume the best intentions - respect all opinions, no hate speech.

  • Share generously - Your stories and experiences may be what another person needs to hear today to solve a problem or seize an opportunity.

  • Be constructive - We're here to push each other forward and lift each other.

  • Find ways to help each other find and create cues of safety and co-regulation, reframe challenges, and stay curious.

  • Advertising, solicitation, personal or company promotion is not permitted. Those who don’t comply with the guidelines will be requested to leave the online community space.      

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